Friday, April 9, 2010

Feeling better!

Thank you for all the nice comments. It is fun to log in and see the responses from you all. :)

Wednesday evening I finally started feeling better. It was like I could feel a darkness LIFTING off me about 5pm. Many doctors (and patients) will tell you that the third or fourth day after chemo is when everything 'hits.' Some people bounce back after one or two bad days. It helps to keep a log of your symptoms, and this is essentially what mine looks like:

Chemo day: Tired
Day 1 Achy, tired
Day 2 Mouth problems begin
Day 3 Mouth problems, tired
Day 4 Mouth problems, tired
Day 5 Mouth problems usually clear up, heartburn and/or lower abdomen pain
Day 6 Heartburn, lower abdomen pain, tired
Day 7 HIT with the peak of uncomfortableness and heartburn
Day 8 Same
Day 9 Pain starts to dull
Day 10 Dulled pain, start to feel better

So, somehow I don't really have a third or fourth 'bad' day...I'm uncomfortable the majority of the time but I seem to get hit with the worse symptoms about a week after chemotherapy. I'm simply told that everyone is different.

So, right on track I started feeling better on about day 9 and 10. I'm thankful that I'm back to feeling like myself. I don't have 100% of my energy but I'll take it!

Have a great Friday evening everyone!

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