Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Treatment canceled

I met with my oncologist today. I had a full exam and we talked about the recent blood clots and cough I've been battling. My throat is pretty torn up and he determined I am not healthy enough to endure treatment tomorrow.

There is a possibility that the constant cough is a sign of lung damage. One of my chemo drugs is known to cause this. So, I will spend tomorrow having more scans done to check out my lungs and nodes. The purpose is to check for any lung damage but he's having the scans run wide enough to determine shrinkage in my lymph nodes. Keep in mind, I never had any tumors. Lymphoma just resides in your lymph nodes and causes them to expand or 'freak out' as one doctor told me. This will be the first time we'll get to see how treatment has been working.

With two chemo's left I'm ready to just get this done, but I understand his concern and the need to postpone. We'll hopefully have a game plan when he sees the results of the scans. The cough medicine he previously prescribed has done nothing- so now I'm on another one. I'm praying something works soon. I'm not quite sure what lung damage would's not like they can go in and put a bandaid on it. We don't really need another complication, but I'll be ready to handle whatever news I get.

I've decided I'm going to keep a cake in the fridge at all times. The fancy store bought kind. I'm going to have Shnucks decorate one with my name on it with some smiley faces or something. Or maybe....'Hey Cathy, have a good day.' The next one might say 'Eat me and feel great about it....or simply 'Screw Cancer.' I've decided I like cake and I deserve a constant supply for no real reason. I'll take pictures.

I will do my best to keep everyone updated. Thanks for the continued comments and prayers!


  1. it's probably good to give your body a short rest. fingers crossed that your scans come back super clean!!! xo

  2. Well let me just say, you looked pretty darn good the other day when Ariana & I stopped by!! I know Daniel said it was your best day but sister you looked great!! You are so strong and determined! Praying all the time for you but will say a few extra today that all your scans and tests come back good!! Thinking about you always!! OH & cake always makes things better and you do deserve it!!:) LOVE YA! Kathy

  3. After reading your post, I paused for a little prayer asking for help, strength, and good news for you. I hope that everyone who reads this blog does the same. You eat that cake, Cat. You eat all of it, whenever you want. If there is ANYONE on this earth that deserves cake, it is you. If I was there, I would eat a piece with you, for you, and in your honor. Hang in there. As difficult as that may sound, hang in there. We are all there with you. Love ya, Steph

  4. Cathy I love the cake idea. I just wish I could join u everyday and indulge . Unfortunately it is not good for me but every time I see a cake now I will mentally eat a piece with you...Your strength thru all of this is amazing. I pray for you every day....

  5. Hope all is well and getting better...
