Friday, February 19, 2010

First I was afraid, I was petrified

I'd been having trouble with my insurance all week (GHP which I may have already mentioned my doctors have labeled as God Help those People because they're so difficult about many things) for having claims rejected simply because they had a wrong birth date on file for me. I've been on the phone with them, and the fertility office several times and thought it was all straightened out- but come to find out they do not cover fertility treatment at all. I know that is not rare- but (my own fault) I didnt realize that until I got to the appointment.

Enough with the boring insurance stuff. This is just kind of a side story because I think it was sweet. So, the nice receptionists were calling/leaving messages- waiting for return calls from my insurance before beginning my appointment so I would have an answer. My sister and I went to the Reproductive Endocrinologist office for consultation when the receptionist came in and and told me solemnly that no, insurance would not even cover this office visit- the consultation. So I had to decide if I wanted to stay and pay around $350... yes $350...just to get information and I was almost in tears- just from everything, the last 3 weeks, information overload from five appointments in two days and was about to just get my purse and leave when the actual doctor (I'll call her Emily, first name) walked in and saw what was going on.

She quizzed the admin quite a bit about 'coding' and how it had been entered. I could tell she was really trying to get this covered for me. The receptionist said "I did that" to everything she asked. So doctor Emily (shorter than her long last name) looked at me and said "You know what? This is just a little chat. It's just a conversation between you and I and it's no big deal." She asked the receptionist to leave the room, looked at me and asked if I was ready to get started.

How awesome was that? I knew she meant she probably just wasn't charging me for this at all. She had really done her homework on my situation- had all kinds of info on me, on my treatment ABVD, stats etc.

So, to shorten this I've decided against it. Unfortunately they don't have specific data on cancer patients. I realize the numbers I was viewing were for those that were 'infertile' for whatever reason and the numbers don't fully apply to me. Basically what she showed me was that 38% of FROZEN embryos (as opposed to what she called fresh- ummmm, yick) result in pregnancy and only 28% of them are actual births, meaning 10% of the 38% are lost due to miscarriage. We went over the financial aspect and paying $15,000 for a 28% chance is just not something we're going to do. I will take my chances with conceiving alone after a reasonable amount of time following treatment (they recommend 2 years.) I am so glad that I looked into it. I feel informed, and couldn't sleep if I didn't at least look at that option.

My treatment will lower the likelihood of my conceiving but if God means for me to have another child, I'm sure it will happen. If not, Gloria Gaynor tells me that I will survive!

1 comment:

  1. Cathy,

    I hate insurance companies. It sucks that you have to spend all of the time that you should be spending resting up for your next appointment on the phone with those idiots. I hope they get everything straight so that will be one less thing you have to deal with. It is great that you were able to set up your appointments around Daniels work schedule. I'm so glad that you have doctors that are bending the rules and working hard to help you. We are all praying for you and cheering you on.

    Love ya,
