Yucky shot I don't care to see anymore
I know it's necessary but I'm not thrilled with having thin blood. My dose of Coumadin keeps getting raised so at this point I'm afraid to cook or use a knife. They told me I better not get in a car accident because I'd likely bleed to death internally. Who says that?
I'm doing pretty well aside from a very annoying cough I acquired about 10 days ago. It just isn't going away and it keeps me up at night. I hate taking MORE medication but this weekend I was so desperate I tried cough syrup. When that didn't work I tried an allergy medication. No go. I called my doctor today and he prescribed some jelly bean looking clear pills but so far they haven't helped either. Every single time I've had pain or a weird symptom they've rushed me off for testing and it's ended up being pretty serious. So, I'm picturing my port being dislodged shoving air up my throat or something.
The cough has lasted long enough...it just seems weird it hasn't gone away. They don't seem to think it's related to my port so I'm hoping it's just some allergy that heads out soon!
Poor Daniel is so stressed he has a self induced case of trichotillomania. :) He's pulling his eyebrows out. The other day I noticed half his eyebrow was missing; from the middle to the end. I said "Where did your eyebrow go?" He's been fidgeting and yanking them out- poor thing! Mine are falling out on their own... I begged him to keep his if at all possible! We're quite the pair out in public.
I could not ask for a better husband to hold my hand through this. (Remind me of that on nights I get pissy about something stupid...when he hasn't taken out the trash or gets the carpet muddy.)
That's all for now. Thank you for all the prayers and support.
glad you're off the shots! fingers crossed that the cough will clear up soon. hopefully it's just allergies!!!