Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Couldn't do it

I couldn't give myself the shot. I tried for over an hour. I went to a comfy, private place..got all scrubbed up and opened the injection. I bunched up my stomach skin (plenty to work with) and all I had to do was stick it. I tried and tried...but no go. I had 1000 'what if's' in my head...about the needle breaking, an alien grabbing me from under the bed at the precise moment I injected, or my dog two floors down jumping on me to cuddle causing me to accidentally shoot my eye out.

So, I packaged everything up and went to the main level of the house. Daniel scrubbed up..it still took me half an hour but I was able to let him inject me. This needle is TINY compared to what I've encountered the last five months. There's just something about having to do it myself. Tonight- another injection after I make Daniel practice twelve times on an orange.

I'm on bed rest and I'm thankful my husband is here to help me. He's very stressed about all this but he's been so wonderful. I'm in a lot of pain and I hate taking the Vicodin but I need it for my entire left arm and neck. I'm not sure what oxygen supply or blood flow these clots cut off but it sure doesn't feel nice. The left side of my neck is horribly swollen and tender. Funny...it's the same spot my original cancer was detected. I was astounded when the nurse told me...I really thought my port was just causing some bruising under the skin somehow. Geez, I didn't notice the swelling... you would think I'd be better at checking for fatty neck tissue by now considering that's how I got into this mess! Blood clots hadn't crossed my mind, and I'm thankful I wasn't in stubborn mode and instead actually got checked out.

The medications will do their job and hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. Thank you for the comments and prayers.


  1. i know how you feel! (okay, not really... but with respect to the injections i do). for the first year i was on injectable blood thinners i made wes do it and i cried every single time. (i know, i'm a total baby). after that i was okay, now i can do them myself but it took a long time. hopefully you will only need them for a short while though!

  2. Cathy I understand the issue with giving yourself a shot. I can't even watch shots on tv. I have ben thinking you, & as always you are in my prayers. Daniel is a great guy. I can not imagine giving my wife a shot. Thanks for the post. Stay strong Eric

  3. Cathy, bless your heart for having to go through all this! You are such a trooper, we are so in awe of your courage! Praying for you! You WILL beat this!! Much love, Gwyn

  4. Cathy, I am so sorry you are struggling with the shots on top of everything else! I give myself up to 7 shots a day, and let me tell you, when I first started, I had to go to the dr. office twice a day, every day, for 10 days before I finally worked up the courage to do it myself!! So, by even being brave enough to stay at home for it, you are doing much better than I did!! Hopefully you won't have to do them for long, but they do get easier!! Prayers as always! Love you!! Rachel W.

  5. Cathy God Bless you honey..You are a strong person. I had a hard time giving myself shots at first when they put me on insulin and sometimes i still have to talk myself up to do it. I pray for you and your family everyday and hope you get a break soon. there is no one who deserves one more than you....love ya deb

  6. Keep your chin up--so glad you have Daniel
