Thursday night I was doubled over with pain in my lower abdomen accompanied by severe heartburn. Sometimes the two problems occur together, sometimes one at a time. By 9pm I literally thought I might pass out so we called the after hours number. My oncologist stated that this was not normal, and I shouldn't be uncomfortable a week after treatment. He told us to get to the ER pronto.
I had no idea how to even get in a car at that point. We had three children sleeping. I downed a couple Percocet and tried to dull the pain. We were up until 2am when I finally started to doze on and off. Stupidly- we did not head to the ER.
In 'normal' life I thought it was a good thing to try and wait until the morning and get into the doctor. When your child runs a fever at 2am, when you feel like crap late a night- it's fairly normal to try and tough it out until you can get into your normal physician the next day. We've taken Noah to the ER once or twice; it's not as if I'm opposed to it. I basically tried to tough it out and figured my own oncologist would want to see me the next day.
You probably already realize- I called him the next morning and was reprimanded big time. By then the heartburn (that's what I'm calling it, and I've had stomach issues since high school but it's not true heartburn. It's a nightmare and I wish for the days that Maalox or some prescription at least took the edge off) had dulled and the lower abdomen (it feels like my ovaries are exploding) pain had subsided. I was told the cancer center is not equipped to run needed tests or check out symptoms such as this- symptoms that may or may not be related to each other. My doctor demanded that I get to an ER.
So, we spent Friday in the ER- I was given intravenous drugs for what they called nausea. I can't seem to convince anyone I AM NOT NAUSEOUS. I have been controlling that with medication. It is a horrible, horrible burning at the top of my rib cage, a bit lower than the middle of my chest. They had me drink Maalox mixed with Lidocaine to numb the pain- something I could have done at home. Since my ovaries (I'm telling you that's what it is. Two distinct stabbing pains) weren't flaming up at that precise moment, they wouldn't even look into it for me. My blood work and other specimens looked fine for someone on chemotherapy.
By the time I was dressing to leave that evening, the 'heartburn' was already returning. I love ER people, I know they do a good job. I know they're great at emergencies and everything they touch. I am just frustrated that my lower abdomen pain couldn't be investigated- when I know it is going to come back, and already has. I'm frustrated that I can't get an answer on the 'heartburn' near my ribcage and left there diagnosed with Gastritis and told to double my dose of Prilosec every morning. Maybe that's all it will take- and if so- great. I'm down 12 pounds since the beginning of chemo.
So, lesson learned. The next time I'm told to get to the ER I will find someone to sit with three kids at 2am, anty up the $150 copay each time and go. I now know the importance of going during the heat of your symptoms so they can check them out properly.
I've been taking five to seven hot baths a day the last few days trying to soothe the pain- something is just not right. Daniel ran out late last night to get me a new heating pad. This all on the same evening we had just returned home from the ER. Today the pain is still there as usual, but it is dulled and I pray it stays that way or better yet- disappears. I love my gynecologist and hate to involve yet ANOTHER doctor but if the 'lower abdomen' pain persists to the point I want to pass out again- I am going to contact him. Nobody else seems to have any answers for me.
Again- that's partly my fault for not getting looked at when I should have. So, no need to preach at me about that. Next time I will go when the pain gets that bad. I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to tough it out. Apparently not.
The time line on this is probably a bit confusing so I'll sum it up:
Thursday 6pm- Lots of pain. Noah's late bday party- I'm on the couch in a ball.
Thursday 9pm- PAIN. Kids in bed. Call made to after hours number.
Friday 2am- PAAAIINNNN- Should have gone to the emergency room. Like a stubborn crazy person, I did not.
Friday 9am- Call cancer center. Practically get cussed out. Told to get to the ER.
Friday 10am- Able to stand for first time since Thursday evening. Went to ER. Spent the day there.
Friday 6pm- Home from the ER. In a lot of pain. Take one of many hot baths. Daniel buys a heating pad. Doze on and off that night. Awaken to dulled pain.
Saturday - Dulled pain, typing on the blog.
By Friday morning I was able to stand so I took a shower. About half my hair came out in the shower just before the ER visit (you mom told you to always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident? I just HAD to shower before going in!) I'll post a picture eventually- but literally about half of it came out in clumps. It was one of the freakiest experiences of my life. The hair on my head still looks pretty normal though! Prayer of thanks for lots of wigs are ordered but have not arrived yet.
Big thank you to Kristi Kendrick, the girls' mom, for scooping up Noah and keeping him overnight...where he apparently puked most the night. He had a ton of fun with his sisters and basically did not want to leave when I went to pick him up. I hope he didn't run you ragged and I'm happy you all had fun. Mommy sure missed him.

On that note- Yo Gabba Gabba tomorrow! If they have to wheel me in on a stretcher I am getting to that show tomorrow after church. A lot of you probably don't even know about these odd, creepy creatures but Noah loves them and it's the only show he asks for by name. Elmo, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse- he can take or leave right now. Muno, Foofa and Plex? They're his buds.

I'm thankful to get my mind off this and have time with the family tomorrow. :) We did reinstate our Branson trip so I'm thankful for no chemo this week; it is pushed back a few days when we return. Have a great weekend everyone.