Have you seen the new Jenny Craig commercial with Valerie B. lugging around bags of..who knows what, something... to represent the extra fat she's lost? That's how I feel. No, I don't feel fat. Although the water retention and bags and bags of fluid they pump into me seem to hang around for days and that can't help anyone's body image. No, I feel weighed down. When I saw that commercial I thought- that's it. I feel like I'm carrying 40+ pounds of bricks on my back at all times. I just can't shake it.
Last night loading dishes in the dishwasher about had me breaking a sweat. I got frustrated, and have never been a violent person but for a split second I wanted to smash a casserole dish against a wall. But------ my God reminded me He is stronger. Stronger than me, and stronger than this cancer. I gently placed the dish in it's rightful spot.
I'm hoping this is just my body reacting to the first treatment (that was now over a week ago.) Maybe I'll acclimate and handle it differently next time. Some people feel worse as time goes on, but I have read of people that had the hardest time with the first few treatments.
Enough for now- I hope you all are doing well. I decided to post an 'old' photo for what many bloggers refer to as Flashback Friday! Some of you have seen these but I like them.
This is our attempt at home made 3d glasses for the girls during the Miley Cyrus 3d concert on TV a couple years ago. Don't try this at home. It did not work:
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