Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm still taking the Nystatin, or Ny-asty as I've come to call it. I can't get the taste out of my mouth. It seems the entire inside of my mouth has turned white now from the thrush. It's not quite as painful as yesterday so I'm hoping that is a good sign. I'm still unable to eat or drink much but I'm trying to get down small bites and drink water.

My hair started coming out in droves on Noah's birthday. Not exactly clumps, but extreme excessive shedding. I'm not sure how much longer I can let this go on. Until now I've slept very well but I was wide awake at 3am last night. I'm not sure if it was one of the many medications, hair in my mouth or the husband's snoring. I had to find a soft hat to put on to cease ingesting hair!

I'm forcing myself to find something positive about these days, and I'm thankful the extreme fatigue hit on Sunday but basically went away after that. I'm very tired, but it's not the heaviness I felt two weeks ago for five straight days. I'm thankful my husband takes such good care of me.

Looking forward, I hope to view Noah's future birthdays with an enhanced celebratory spirit. I would never take away from his day, but this time next year I hope to look back, remember this awful time, and know I made it through. :)


  1. Cat....You are trying to find something positive??? YOU are positive and an inspiration to many of those around you. You hang in there and I, too, am looking forward to talking about this many years down the road and relishing in how you not only beat it but kicked it's butt! I, like many, think about you often and pray for you even more! Steph

  2. Be checking the mail...
