I finally worked up the nerve to call the cancer center and speak to the radiation team. I let them know that Dr. Fu, my radiation oncoclogist, wasn't convinced my PET was clear and had recommended another scan once the radiation left my body.
She was out of the office and my call was returned the next day. The nurse advised that Dr. Fu spoke to my main oncologist (that oversees all my care) and he stated I was under his care and he did not want me scanned until January. So there we have it!
I'm not thrilled that a qualified physician sees something on my scan, and I have to live with the 'what if's' through the holidays. But I have faith in my main oncologist and my husband and I basically think he just wants to give me a break!
So, unless I feel nodes popping up I won't be in contact with my medical team until my January appointment. :)
well, rest up and enjoy your holidays. looking forward to some good news from you after the new year :-)