Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Radiation Mask

I'm a little nervous about the radiation simulation this week. The doctor told me to 'gear up' and bring my husband if I'm at all claustrophobic because I'm basically nailed to the table for an hour and unable to move. The pictures, scans, body molding and face mask don't help.

I've asked a few of my cancer survivor friends about it and they've all reported it's one of the most miserable parts of treatment. I found this picture through the Mayo Clinic. It's not only the mask they'll place and mark for the simulation, it's what I'll have to wear for treatment every day.

It's bolted to the table!

Not thrilled about that. Some don't have eye and mouth holes, but I'm told I can request them to be cut. This is gonna be great.


  1. wow, i'm so sorry. i'm sure you'll do great and be a champ. maybe just try to sleep on the table? make sure to have cake waiting for you at home!!!


  2. Prayers for you.
    (I'm one of April's friends)

  3. OK, so it isn't going to be very pleasant. BUT, just remember what you have been through the last couple of months! This is an hour a day, with nothing or very minimal afterwards! You are a champ, a fighter, and a survivor. Yeah, uncomfortable, and not the best situation, but you have this kicked before you even start! You go girl! Prayers of strength and endurance being sent to you! Love ya, Steph
