I put the camera down after this pic and cut myself a slice. Then I decided it might taste even better warm so I nuked it for 10 seconds. It was glorious. Unending thank yous to Kathy, Steph, Angi, Laura and Cara for making each treatment just a little bit easier for me. Thank you for the card and high school - blast from the past- photos that accompanied the cake! (Whatever happened to Rachelle?)
I really think the chemo nurses thought that pretty cake was for them. I abruptly hid it under my beach bag of a purse.
Then my friend Renea brought me two ginormous cupcakes from Pastries of Denmark. Have you been there for lunch? It is divine and anyone within an hour of Olive Blvd needs to hit it. Get a load of this mother:
I don't even know how to begin eating this. Believe me, I'll figure it out.
This weekend I will rest and try to snap out of these few bad feeling days. My left arm is swollen because of the blood clots and I HATE taking the stupid pain meds. It feels like there is an elephant on my chest, so hopefully that will go away this weekend as well. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm done with chemo, but I know it will any moment.
I don't see my oncologist for a MONTH so that is nice. I do see the radiation people in the next few weeks to get fitted for my upcoming radiation. I hear it isn't a pleasant process but I'm trying not to worry about that now.
My wish list right now, in order, is to:
Get past this week's side effects
Get this blasted port out
Somebody please put me through another PET test so we can figure out if the cancer is gone... please? There's not a whole lot of reason to celebrate until then!
Watch my hair sprouts come in
Spend lots of quality time at various pools and water parks with the kids and watch people wonder if I chose to cut my hair this way
Get the ball rolling on radiation after some summer fun.
Drill my doctor to death on the chances of this coming back; if I am blessed with a clean PET.
Watch more hair sprouts come in
Get back to the gym when all is said and done to work off this blasted cake. I never canceled my membership- positive thinking and visualization. We'll see.
Thank you for all your support!!! No more chemo!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) No more! AND, positive prayers and thoughts coming your way for a CLEAN PET scan! :) :) :) :) :) Love ya, Steph