The accelerated arrangement, re-arrangement and demise of those little plastic cups. The sound of them rising and falling in a fury. Children of all ages- building towers (3-6-3 and The Cycle are the main ones) then slapping them down neatly in one swift move. All with cups. The slapping of the timer on the mat to record the score. Who knew this was a legitimate kid competition?
We were there by 7am on a Saturday. So, once again I neglected to bring my camera. I have no pictures and you must just take my word for it. One of the stage parents surely would have knocked me out of the way as I was clicking anyway.
Cool dude in his sunglasses with Gogurt- a staple in our house. Healthy, and mommy doesn't have to spoon it. No mess. Perfect for toddlers.
His love for a few months now has been watches... so he has his own (cheap) collection. Just like daddy. But, he does also love reading. :)
Love the look over the glasses
Been thinking about my dad...I remember pieces of his treatment for cancer in the 80's and early 90s, but will never truly know what it was like for him personally. As I drag some evenings to color in a simple book....I wonder how many times he really didn't feel like playing with me... but he did anyway. Always.
The many nights I asked him to chase me around the house... and he would stomp around the dining room china cabinet and I'd hear the precious, heirloom dishes rattle. Just to give me a big laugh as a child.
A friend recently mentioned my dad's big Chevy, Ford...whatever brand at the time...trucks. Every single school snow day? He was loading me in that big truck and taking me "to town" for powdered donuts and Casey's pizza. We were snowed in, we needed supplies! What's more important than soda, donuts and pizza? In the snow he'd pull that big truck up to a friend's front door, bang on it and throw her in as well. He knew how much fun I'd have...snowed in with M & M's, donuts and pizza with a friend to sleep over on a precious, hard earned snow day. Then he'd chase us around the house, scare us silly and that china cabinet in the dining room would hold on for dear life.
Thankful tonight for family...Gogurt, toddler watches, sunglasses and even competitive cup stacking. :)
Awesome pics of the baby boy!! He is such a cutie pie! I have never seen cupstacking in person but have watched it on TV....those kids are amazing!! Hope you have a great week!! Kathy:)
ReplyDeleteI remember those snow days well!!! Don't forget grape kool-aid and doritos! Oh, and the ever hilarious Uncle Buck!! How many times did we watch that?? Memories are awesome! I Love Ya! Sarah
Cutie-pa-Tootie Pics
ReplyDeleteYou are a lot like your Father. You could never tell if he felt bad or not. He had a great since of humor, but you did not dare cross him. Hope you are feeling well. Stay strong Eric