Before I begin posting, I must tell you that I've had a couple questions about my prison stay-due to the previous blog where I was bashing chemo. In the post I stated chemo is a two faced friend..and at some point had probably helped me move, read at my wedding or bailed me out of jail. :)
I found the question comical, and NO I have never been taken in by the Po Po. No friends read scripture at my wedding either- because we eloped! So in case anyone else was wondering, these are merely examples of services a close friend might perform and no, I'm not a criminal.
Treatment #4 didn't go so well. I was glad to have my friend attend and that took my mind off some of the crap going on around me. Unfortunately about one hour into treatment I got violently ill.
Many of you have seen a NASCAR, or another form of car race on TV at some point, right? I'm really showing my hoosier side here, but bear with me. I've caught a few seconds of them while flipping channels, and have been dragged to several of these events by friends years ago. You know those little men that run out and whip the tires off the cars, change them...and basically give the car an entire tune up in 30 seconds flat during the race? They move so fast you hardly see them. Well, my nurses are my own personal pit crew.
Once during treatment I mentioned my left arm was aching. In one swift move three nurses suddenly surrounded me, unplugged my IV pole, detached the current medication, flipped my chair into a reclining position and placed a wet wash cloth on my head. They moved so quickly, and in this case they were concerned about the medicine's effect on my heart. Yesterday I mentioned I was feeling nauseous and suddenly fans, wash cloths, three varieties of suckers, ice and crackers were presented to me. They take these things very seriously.
It was too late. Luckily I made it to a private restroom and spared myself some embarrassment. I don't believe it was the actual medication. I've developed an aversion to the smells in the chemo room. They pull up with big trays of huge shot looking things to pump into the tubes leading to my port. When they administer the medication there is a distinct 'cleaner' type smell and this time my stomach started churning. Better luck next time..... maybe I'll pack some Vicks Vapor Rub to sniff.
You've probably heard me complain about the price of some of my prescriptions. Just before treatment I filled one of three nausea medications I'm on... the one I take in the treatment chair. Three pills are $75, my cost with insurance. I came home and cried to Daniel "I JUST THREW UP TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS!!!" Luckily, he didn't see it that way and just hugged me.
When I entered the field of counseling many, many people told me "It takes a special person to do that." Some people meant it as a compliment; some didn't and it was hard not to be put off by that comment after a while. They might have just said "You're a crazy fool for going into that nut job of a profession."
Now I'm a big fat hypocrite. I remember sitting in my car the morning of that fateful birthday massage. I watched people of all different shapes and sizes, with varying levels of cleanliness enter that spa and thought about the massage therapists "It takes a special person to do that." I see how attentive and compassionate my chemo nurses are and I think the same thing.
So, thank you to those nurses and all my family and friends that stay in touch with me. Thank you to the girls that sent another care package to my treatment center! All of your support is very important to me. :)

On an unrelated note, how cool is this pool I got from Costco? Last year it was $100 and when I stopped by for bread and milk the other night (don't ever stop by a warehouse membership store for just bread and milk) it was only $49 this year so I grabbed it. True, nobody can really SWIM in it but...perfect for the girls to lounge and Noah with the little slide, sprayers and two separate areas with a bench and cup holders for the adult? For the price of one co-pay...I let myself splurge on the kids.