This week's appointment was chocked full of information!
1.) No scans at this time. It is too soon after radiation and this can cause false positives on a PET or CT scans. I'm still radioactive! Next appointment with my oncologist will be in January- every 3 months. We will scan then. Blood levels looked fine for my length out of chemo although I'm currently anemic.
2.) While I was hoping it was in my head, the left side of my neck is puffy. Hodgkin's usually follows a very predictable path so if relapse were to occur it would likely appear in the original spot- on me, the left side of my neck. The oncologist examined me from head to toe and rummaged through every lymph node possible down to my ankles. It was practically more invasive than a pap smear.
3.) I have not allowed the left side swelling to completely WIG me out. My oncologist does not feel lymph node activity and remains (partly) convinced that the swelling is residual from my port removal 1.5 weeks ago. It could also be built up scar tissue from treatment and radiation. We are keeping our eye on it, but again I can't be scanned for a while so there is no sense in freaking out for the next few months. This is going on the back burner and I am to call my doctor if the swelling doesn't go down in a few weeks. If it gets any bigger, yes, I may have to dangle a toe in freak out mode.
4.) I said to my doctor "Dr. Fu, the radiation oncologist, mentioned that she does not completely agree with your assessment of my last PET. She claims she still sees a bit of activity and recommended I get another PET after the radiation leaves my body." He seemed perplexed by this and got out my file. We went over my last PET, and read the lengthy report together. He stared and stared at it. He then said "I don't see anything significant, but Dr. Fu is better trained to read these type of scans. If you're open to another test give her a call and get it scheduled."
That wasn't very reassuring. But, as we left the office together he did quietly murmur, "Cathy, sometimes doctors just read into these things." That was a bit more promising.
5.) I got a flu shot! I've learned over these 10 months that a cancer center is very HANDS OFF when it comes to 'regular' medical procedures. They specialize in...cancer! I can't count the times I've been referred to my GP for various side effects and problems. So, I was surprised they offered me a flu shot but was happy to get a little more use out of my $50 copay. Yay! Shoot me up!!
So, once I stop glowing in the dark I will call Dr. Fu in November and ask if she still thinks I need another PET. If she does, which I anticipate will happen, I will schedule the scan at that time. Then January's scan should not be needed. This is fine with Daniel and I because we topped out our insurance quota back in MARCH so as much as we can get in for 2010, the better. We start a whoooolllleeee new bill in January.
Everyone ran their hands through my lustrous hair and told me I was cute as a button. The front desk girls, chemo nurses, financial lady and one radiologist. I told them "I got my eyebrows waxed last week!!" One of the chemo nurses cried when she hugged me. They are such wonderful people and they really make you feel part of a family. I had to get the flu shot in the chemo room (BIG YUCK) and as they were getting it together I suddenly realized- Hey, I don't feel sick!! The sites and smells of that room used to make me hurl, remember? So, at least I'm getting past that.
It was surreal walking in that place after not being there a couple months. My hand was shaking the whole time, oddly. I didn't shake once during treatment! But everyone there made it a great appointment and aside from the phone call to Dr. Fu soon, they hope not to hear or see me until next year. :)