I see her every Monday. She yells at me for my tan. Literally. Yells. She tells me to put on 50 SPF just to get in my car and drive to the grocery store. FINE.... I know she's right.
I had a cancerous basal cell removed from my FACE a couple years ago with an inch long scar on my cheek to prove it. So, I should know by now how scary skin cancer can be. Goodbye forever, tan lines. (P.S. Get those moles checked people!)
But this week she said...an exact quote..."I don't agree with your oncologist's opinion of your scan. I think radiation will 'get it' but we'll need to do another PET in about 3 months when the treatment finally starts leaving your body."
UMMMMM WHAT? Did you just tell me you still see cancer? I was too shocked to ask many questions, but that is what she was saying.
I don't know if she's just pickier than my other medical staff, or if she's right. In the last 8 months I've learned to tolerate and expect varying opinions. But, I don't know who to believe. My oncologist and the people that read PET scans listed me with the 'remarkable regression' I was so proud of. Then this chic comes along and tells me she doesn't agree and we need to check it again.
Uggghh. It's a bit of a roller coaster. So, this week has been kind of a downer. Daniel and I are walking around in a daze not knowing what to think.
I was sooo looking forward to having my port removed. I knew I'd have CT scans every three months but figured I'd just tolerate all the contrast dye and needles in my arm. If they're talking about even more testing I might as well keep it in. Which means.... continued Coumadin/Warfarin to thin my blood since my body is lashing out at the foreign object. Puke.
I have plenty of time to ask questions and right now I just want to finish radiation. My last treatment is Friday on our anniversary is this weekend. You can bet we'll go out this weekend to celebrate. It would be nice to know for sure that I'm clean so I'll try to beat an explanation out of her before Friday.....with SPF 100 in my hand to get on her good side.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and support! :)